
We collect, process, and use your data only in the context of the legal requirements. This privacy statement applies solely to the use of websites provided by us. It does not apply to websites of other service providers, to which we make reference by link.

When using our websites you will remain anonymous, as long as you do not voluntarily provide us with personal information. Personal data is collected, only if it is necessary for the use of services offered on the website, in particular the contact form.

We will treat any supplied data strictly confidential. We will not pass on any personal data without your explicit consent, unless we are legally obliged to do so. We would like to point out, however, that data transmitted over the internet can always be viewed or falsified by a third party.

At your request, we will allow you to inspect any stored data from you and/or delete it if you want us to do so. If you want to correct, delete or take a look at your data, simply write a letter to the address stated in the legal notice.

Within the framework of our newsletter program, we will only send out product updates, etc. to our customers, if you provide us with your e-mail address.

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Stromversorgungs GmbH

Chief executive
Dipl. Ing. Dieter Schorn


Im Unterfeld 19
D-76547 Sinzheim

+49 (0)7221 987 850

+49 (0)7221 987 454